Hey, I'm Meg.
I design content.
& Areas of Expertise
A long time ago, I really wanted to be a spy. Instead, I taught secondary school for eight years before switching careers and becoming a writer and content designer full time.
I believe our world revolves around stories, from video game narratives to marketing campaigns to social media posts that go viral. I've written words for websites, mobile games, novels, and more.
Whatever story you're trying to tell, I'd like to help!
Content Design
See examples of projects
and design flows:
From content architecture to taxonomy...
I've analyzed and organized content for all types of clients across industries, from biotech companies to music festivals to curriculum design. I work closely with design teams as well as subject matter experts to ensure all strategy matches both client and user needs.
My clients have ranged from small startups and branding agencies to corporate companies like Disney, Google, Wells Fargo, and others.
UX Writing
From microcopy to user flows...
I am absolutely fascinated with microcopy and have crafted UX copy for mobile games, for websites, and for e-learning apps. Whether its user flow mapping or gathering data on user interactions and engagement, I strive to make content decisions that matter for customers as well as business partners.
Be sure to check out my featured articles for all things UX.
See examples of projects
and design flows:
Narrative Design
From story and world building to branching dialogue...
Creating and developing narratives is one of my favorite tasks, no matter the client. I've drafted stories and worlds based on IPs for shipped mobile games as well as created brand new characters and narratives for (soon-to-be) published fiction novels.
Story building is at the core of everything I do and love.
On the Web
Check out some of my published articles on the web.
Got a project that needs content development? Let's chat!